Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We now have insulation on the walls, well...half of it. We're putting blown-in cellulose in the walls and ceilings but first they put a 1" layer of polyuethene on all the exterior walls. This is really good stuff because it's expanding foam and it fills in all the nooks and crannys which becomes a total air barrier for the building. And once dry it's very solid, you would need a hammer and chisel to get it out. It does insulate some but the big insulator, the blown-in cellulose, will fill the remainder of the wall cavities. They will place a netting over the wall studs then fill the cavities full with the cellulose. The r-value on this stuff is great, we'll get near an r-50 (the higher the number the better) in some areas. Hopefully, we won't need to run the furnace or a/c much at all.

So the greenish blue stuff you're seeing on the walls in these photos is the layer of polyuethene. And once we finish running the ductwork, remaining electrical and all the low voltage wiring, the insulation guys will come back and blow in the cellulose. We're making progress...

1 comment:

Lisa Webb said...

wow it is coming right along. I couldn't be more exicited for you! Congrats!