Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I drew this portrait a few months ago from an image of a daguerreotype taken in 1859. Lincoln's face is so interesting with so many shapes and planes that make up his features-makes him very fun to draw. 

This was drawn with charcoal (varying softnesses) and white chalk on a toned paper.


  1. I like it. I recently read some things about Abe that were very interesting...like how he haunts people in the white house and how his grave was broken into several times. His family decided to bury him once and for all in 20 feet of concrete or something, so they had a bunch of witness check out if it was him or not before they buried him. They said you could still see his mole very clearly and many people who saw him said they were haunted by him afterwards. I suppose you will be haunted now...just so ya know.

  2. yeah, he hangs out in my studio with me. He's very helpful when it comes to critiques. :)

    I also recently read an interesting article about Lincoln stating that he was racist that I'll have to tell you about sometime...

  3. I enjoy this portrait very much, nice work. I enjoy charcoals very much, try and do them when time permits. Best wishes.
