A better kind of Taboret layout
Now that the prototype for this taboret table is done, we've been working on the final piece. Which is almost done. A few finishing touches followed by stained and coated with urethane and it'll be finished.
I want to discuss the features on the top of this taboret which, I feel, make it better than anything out there--(See the photo below)
1. Area for an old phone book. I learned from my mentor, William Whitaker, how to use an old phone book to clean the paint out of my brush. You dip your brush in your mineral spirits ONCE then wipe your brush on the top page of the phone book until the page is entirely soiled then tear it out and throw it away! You've got a fresh page ready to go underneath it. This saves on gunking up the tank as quickly, plus everybody's got an old phone book laying around.
2. Boxes for quartered shop towels. This is also something I learned from Whitaker--I use paper shop towels to wipe/clean out my brushes when painting. And by quartering them you can get more out of a roll of towels. Thus saving money! I wanted boxes to hold them since sometimes when I'm painting with my hand palette and I've got a small stack of towels on my taboret, they slide around everywhere when I'm trying to wiping out my brush. The boxes will keep them from doing that--same with the phone book!
3. Box for brush cleaning tank. I wanted somewhere to keep my brush cleaning tank since I use it constantly. Now I've got a place for it!
4. Areas for cups/canisters. These are similar to most artist taboret tables with hole cut-outs for canisters and cups to hold mediums and such. Very useful.
5. Hinged cover. This cover makes this taboret table very unique! The hinged cover closes to hide these items on your taboret table that are sometimes an eye sore. And more importantly, blocks the air to keep the mineral spirits, mediums, etc from evaporating. The cover is also notched on the underside for an additional area to rest paintbrushes during painting sessions.
6. Paintbrush rests. The entire back edge of the taboret is notched to hold many wet brushes. When I'm painting, I'm always looking for places to put my brushes down without making a mess. Now I've got plenty.
7. Large glass palette. Of course this taboret needed a large area for mixing paint. A 2' x 3' area on top is reserved for a 1/4" glass palette.
The image below shows the items just listed:Leave a comment and tell me what you think! Is this something you would use? Would you add/subtract anything?
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its an interesting blog....
Love it! Seems like you've got everything down! I was wondering about how much it cost to make it??
Jennifer, thanks! I believe the cost of materials were around $700-$800. My friend hasn't given me a cost for labor yet. We've been discussing selling these and I'd like to keep the cost for a finished taboret under $2000. Do you think that sounds like a reasonable price for something like this?
I was thinking just the cost of making it was maybe around or close to 2000ish, so I think that sounds plenty reasonable.
What a perfectly designed piece of studio furniture! I would LOVE something like this. Just found your blog. Looking forward to checking it out. :)
Would you be willing to share the plans for this taboret? I would love to build one for myself!
Casey are you selling these?
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